HS code of Fan and Blower
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- http://sfs.gov.ua/data/files/10977.pdf Ukraine
- https://www.canadapost.ca/cpotools/apps/wtz/business/findHsCode?execution=e1s1 Canada
- http://mysstext.customs.gov.my/tariff/home Malaysia
- https://www.tariffnumber.com/ Europe
- https://www.trade.gov/ Unite states
- https://hs.e-to-china.com/ China
- https://intr.insw.go.id/ Indonesia
- https://tariffcommission.gov.ph/tariff-book Philippines
- https://www.sars.gov.za/ClientSegments/Customs-Excise/Pages/Tariff.aspx South Africa
How do I find HS Code?
First 2 digits: Chapter No. from the Harmonized System.
Second 2 digits: Heading No. from the Harmonized System.
Third 2 digits: Sub-heading No. from the Harmonized System.
Last 2 or 4 digits: Domestic use identification number.
Is tariff code same as HS Code?
An HS or HTS code stands for Harmonized System or Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO), the codes are used to classify and define internationally traded goods. … The difference between an HS code and HTS code is the number of digits within the code.
What is an HS code for shipping?
The HS (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System) Code is a 6–10-digit number that is required for all international shipments. This number is used by customs to identify the products shipped across international borders.
Is HS code same for all countries?
The World Customs Organization (WCO) has been administering 6 digits HS codes schedule. However, each country can modify by adding two digits or four digits as per their requirements without changing first six digits. In other words, first six digits of HS code (HTS code) are same in all countries.